While Tampa may be best known for its hot summers, the winter months can bring cooler weather. On those days, you may be glad to have a well-running furnace. Before the thermometer dips too low, though, you’ll want to schedule an appointment for furnace maintenance. Fall is the best time to get the job done.

Prepare for the Heating Season

Your furnace doesn’t typically get much use during the summer months. On hot days, it sits idly by while your air conditioner does all the work. During that time, it may collect a significant layer of dust.

Before you try firing the furnace up for a new heating season, it’s a good idea to clear away the debris that has accumulated. That’s one of the first things that our maintenance technicians will do during your annual tune-up. The parts that we’ll clean may include the burners, the blower, and the flame sensor. We’ll wipe down the housing too. Your furnace will look better, both inside and out. Not only will we remove any dirt or dust, but we’ll also put in a new filter and check the drain lines for clogs.

A clean system should work better for you once it’s time to start running the furnace regularly. Dirty burners may not be as effective at producing warm air. Dust-filled filters can reduce airflow through your system. You’ll get better performance and improved efficiency if you take the time to schedule a furnace cleaning each fall.

Avoid Midseason Emergencies

A maintenance visit isn’t only for cleaning the furnace; it’s also a chance to make sure that all the parts are working properly. A bit of TLC each year can keep your furnace components in great shape for one heating season after another.

The jobs we do during a maintenance appointment can include:

  • Adding just the right amount of lubrication
  • Adjusting the tension of belts
  • Confirming the refrigerant level
  • Measuring pressure, temperature, and voltage
  • Testing the fan speed

The little tweaks we make here and there can result in a big difference in how well your furnace holds up throughout the season. A well-maintained system is less likely to suddenly stop working one day. You’ll have a better chance of a trouble-free heating season. We will even test your thermostat to make sure that you’ll be able to keep your home at exactly your preferred temperature throughout the winter.

Sometimes, we’ll come across a problem as we do our furnace checks. When that happens, the best time to fix it is right away. Small problems often involve quick and easy repairs. We can get them out of the way before you’re ready to turn on your furnace for the year.

If you wait, the issues are likely to continue developing. They could turn into large problems that prevent normal operation. In the middle of winter, you may end up with a furnace that doesn’t produce enough warm air — or doesn’t work at all. By making fall furnace maintenance a priority, you may be able to avoid an emergency repair call this winter.

Protect Your Safety

Your furnace is an important appliance that your family depends on, but you have to be careful with it. A neglected furnace could be a safety hazard. An annual tune-up offers the chance to protect your home and your family from furnace disasters.

One thing that your maintenance tech will do is inspect the electrical connections within your system. If any connections should be tighter, the tech will get the job taken care of right away.

Carbon monoxide testing is another important step in the inspection process. Furnaces naturally produce carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly. When your system is in proper working order, you will never be exposed to this gas. If something goes wrong, though, there could be a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. That’s a key reason why annual maintenance is so important.

Our techs will run tests for carbon monoxide during your tune-up, but that’s not all. The adjustments that your furnace technician makes during a maintenance appointment can help prevent the sort of damage that can lead to carbon monoxide exposure. Also, a tune-up provides an opportunity to detect small repair needs before they become serious enough to allow this gas to escape.

Extend Your System’s Life

The benefits of a fall furnace tune-up will extend long beyond the upcoming heating season. It can make a difference for years to come.

Well-maintained furnaces often last much longer than those that don’t receive annual attention. The many steps that our techs go through during every tune-up can help keep your system in top shape. For example, lubrication reduces wear on the moving parts. Pressure adjustments lower the risk of developing a rusty heat exchanger that’s prone to cracks.

A furnace that receives an annual inspection is more likely to run just the way it’s supposed to. The connections will be strong, the temperatures throughout the system will be correct, and the pressure will be spot-on. All of those factors can contribute to a long furnace life.

The more years you can get out of your furnace, the better it can be for your wallet. In many cases, it’s more affordable to keep running your current system — especially if you achieve maximum efficiency by keeping it clean — than to replace it. Scheduling just one maintenance visit every fall could be the key to decades of furnace use.

Beat the Winter Rush

On a cold winter’s day, customers often call Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating with heating emergencies. The furnace won’t turn on, and it’s getting chilly indoors.

Don’t wait until the busy season for furnace repairs to have a technician come to your home for a maintenance visit. It makes more sense to schedule your tune-up well in advance of that time. With an autumn appointment, the height of AC repair season will have passed, and furnace repairs won’t yet be in full swing.

Make It an Annual Activity

Your heating system could use a maintenance visit once a year. The cleaning, inspection, and adjustments that take place during this appointment are worth doing annually. Regular care is the best way to improve your system’s performance and keep it in good shape.

Get in the habit of making this heating appointment something that you do every fall. When the weather starts to get the slightest hint of a chill, you’ll remember that it’s time to make a call to Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating for your Tampa furnace tune-up.

Whether you need summer air conditioning care or winter heater service, turn to Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating in Tampa. We offer maintenance, repairs, and installations. Our NATE-certified technicians work on all heating and cooling makes and models. You might also be interested in our indoor air quality services or our solar system installations. Our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau is a sign that, with Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating, you’ll get service you can trust. Make a call to Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating today to inquire about our heating and cooling services!


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