No AC? We’re Here to Help!
Our appliances, cars, and HVAC systems will inevitably break down someday despite how much care and maintenance we give them.AC units usually display symptoms before any major problems set in, but you might also find yourself in a situation where the AC completely shuts down at an odd time and with no prior warning. The question then arises of whether you should call emergency AC repair services immediately or if you should wait until you can schedule a non-emergency service call.
It may be obvious that you are in an emergency, especially if you live in an area where the loss of your AC unit can threaten your health or even your life or cause extreme discomfort.
The following are indications that you should call a technician for emergency repairs.
- The temperature is above 90 degrees on the day of the breakdown. That is considered to be extreme and even dangerous heat.
- The AC unit is leaking, and water damage is occurring.
- There are electrical issues such as breaker tripping, flickering lights when the AC is in use, or the presence of a burning or electrical odor.
- The residents of your home include elderly adults, young children, or other immune-compromised or ill people who will suffer due to the extreme heat.
There are also situations when the AC is showing signs of needing attention that is not emergencies. These include times when the outside temperature is tolerable but not dangerous, the unit is costing more to run than usual, or the filter is clogged and just needs to be cleaned or replaced. If you need emergency AC repair services in Tampa, Florida, Air 24/7 Air Conditioning & Heating is available to service your unit 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Contact us for all your home heating and cooling needs.